Alinskyites Obama, Biden, and Pelosi are dedicated to Overthrowing Our Constitutional Republic Using COVID-19 Fear!

If Pelosi’s ‘Progressicrats’ can create a virus to force feed the American People their Progressive Agenda, and get the same results anytime they need to destroy our nations economy, then they will contact China’s Xi and give him another order for another batch, and you know they will! They did to take back the House … Read more

Super Tuesday, China’s Coronavirus, Bloomberg’s Ties to China, and Agenda 21’s NWO?

Why are these elitists Dem Billionaires not giving the American People the debate they want to see between Socialism vs. Capitalism with a Sanders vs. Trump final round showdown? Why are these Pro-Globalist Billionaires like Soros, Bezos, Bloomberg, Steyer, and others who control the Mainstream Media, prefer if the American people would allow them to … Read more

These 2020 ‘Climate Change’ Hoax Dem’s Prove ‘You Can’t Fix Stupid!’

Bloomberg calls for closing all coal-fired power plants to combat climate change  By Paul Steinhauser As the Pelosi led Progressive left continues to separate the American taxpayer from their money, and con the younger generations into believing that it’s America that’s the biggest perpetrator of was once called ‘Global Warming,’ know that now that it’s … Read more

Russia, Racism, Recession, and Now the Trump Tariffs? …Please!

What the American people need to understand is that it’s ‘Congress, Not Trump’s Trade War, that is the Root of Farmers’ Woes!’ They say it’s the president’s tariffs that are hammering agriculture but it’s the annual farm bill that first set this unsustainable course. -By Gracy Olmstead It’s not President Trump who makes the laws … Read more

Uranium One: Hillary’s Biggest ‘Turkey’ This Thanksgiving!

No matter what the ever growing list of facts that come out about the Obama Administration’s Uranium One deal, and how much closer and closer it appears to be running up the chain of command to President Obama himself, the ‘Paid to Report’ Media stills, because of the depths they’ve already gone to protect this bipartisan ‘Swamp,’ is losing whatever … Read more