‘Super Tuesday’s’ DNC ‘Lies’ Backs Their Fixed ‘Brokered Convention’ Preference Over People’s Choice!

Why aren’t any of these Dem candidates running on our founder’s vision of a nation that’s built on “By the people and For the people? How does Billionaire Michael Bloomberg assume that the Democratic Convention will be brokered, and that he will be the eventual winner no matter what the American Voter’s on the ‘Left’ … Read more

Super Tuesday, China’s Coronavirus, Bloomberg’s Ties to China, and Agenda 21’s NWO?

Why are these elitists Dem Billionaires not giving the American People the debate they want to see between Socialism vs. Capitalism with a Sanders vs. Trump final round showdown? Why are these Pro-Globalist Billionaires like Soros, Bezos, Bloomberg, Steyer, and others who control the Mainstream Media, prefer if the American people would allow them to … Read more

Dem’s Backing Socialism, Selling Globalism, Cheering for Coronavirus, Lying, and Hating America’s Success!

The Unknown Facts about the Coronavirus are being used for political gain, and not what’s best or even shared with the American people! Coronavirus has 99 (As of Last update) known cases in the United States with ‘6’ deaths to date! Flu causes 25,000 to 69,000 Deaths a year in the United States alone, and … Read more

Trump Adm. ’38 Days’ Ahead of Slow Acting Dems and the Coronavirus Threat to America!

You would think that when it comes to the possible threat that the Coronavirus might have on the America that the Dem’s leadership by Schumer and Pelosi would have cared enough to be up to date with everything that the Trump Administration has done since the first patient, a 35-year-old Washington, D.C., man visited an … Read more